1405 SW Vermont St.
Portland OR 97219
United States


Your Local Year-Round Farmers Market

Grapevine Articles

Collection of featured articles from the weekly market newsletter, known as the Grapevine. Subscribe today and never miss a thing!

Your Local Year-Round Farmers Market

Olivia Spitzer

This time of year, one of the most common questions at the information booth is, "when does the market end?" It's a question we love to joyously answer, because the response is: "we do not end!"

Hillsdale Farmers' Market is your local year-round market. From Easter to Thanksgiving, our market is held every week on Sundays. From Thanksgiving to Easter, the market is open every other week. You can find the 2023 - 2024 winter schedule below, on the bookmarks we designed specifically for shopper use. Pick one up for yourself from the info booth this weekend!

All the art on our winter posters and bookmarks came from the children who participated in our September Power of Produce activity, "Imagining Winter Produce." We asked kids to think about what fruit and vegetables they eat in the winter, which of those might be season in winter, how some summer flavors might be preserved, and what they look forward to having on their plates during the colder months.

For our farmers, the importance of these winter markets cannot be overstated. At a time when many other sales avenues are closed to them, winter season farmers' markets offer a vital way to stay connected with their shoppers.

This winter consider marking your calendar and committing to shopping local, even on the dreary days. Your favorite farmers, foragers, ranchers, makers, and growers will thank you for it!